Republican presidential candidate debate, Ames, Iowa Thursday night was anything but boring. Unlike previous debates in this cycle, the candidates were not afraid to take pictures of each other and resolve their differences outside.
Videos on the links.
Pawlenty vs. Bachmann

It all began when Fox News, Chris Wallace, summarized the history of his boots in the early results. "Is it all or just beat him in the polls?" Wallace asked, with a small smile on his face that suggested he knew exactly what kind of sparks were about to fly.
After a couple of compliments from Pawlenty, went to the attack: "It 'an undeniable fact that Congress, his record of accomplishments and results are non-existent," said Pawlenty. "It will not be good enough for our candidate as President of the United States."
In response, Bachmann did not miss a beat. She turned and pointed directly to Pawlenty of course could have leadership experience, but he used to drive the programs are not as conservative as emissions trading, which increases energy costs and a government mandate to buy health insurance. Also accused of saying "the era of smaller government."
"People are looking for a champion," said Bachmann. "They want someone to fight."
Gingrich on the media
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has had problems with their campaign staff since his first stumbled through the door this election cycle. But when Wallace asked the campaign issues - staff fleeing left and right, debt dizzying - Gingrich refused to answer and instead tried to use the issue to attack the media.
"I took seriously the injunction to set aside Bret talking points," Gingrich was referring to Fox's request in New moderator Brett Baier at the beginning of the debate, the candidates do not waste your time in the ready-made answers. "And I hope that you put aside," gotcha questions. "
Wallace sat, silent, grinning.
"I'd love to see the rest of tonight's debate we ask what is going to take a country that has a president who does not lead instead of playing Mickey Mouse games," he said. "I think there is too much attention in the press about the campaign and not enough attention to detail by the press of the core ideas that distinguish us from Barack Obama."
Rick Santorum vs The Tenth Amendment
The increase in the tea party has breathed new life into the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, which states that all powers not mentioned in the Constitution should be left to states in perpetuity. But Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, a true conservative social tired with it.
"This is the tenth change crazy!" Santorum said, referring to the proposals of other candidates, so that states the right to set its own marriage policy. "We have a Ron Paul said:" Oh, what the Member States wish to do less than a tenth amendment, that's fine. "So, if states want to go to polygamy, that's fine. If you want to sterilization, all right. Well, our country is based on moral law, ladies and gentlemen. There are things that you can not do. ... We are a nation that has values. We are a nation that is built on a moral enterprise. But states do not have the right to bum in these changes because of the tenth. "
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